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Aug 26, 2012 | Matt Korniotes

The Gospel of John 14 vs 1-6

Chapter 14 Verse 1

  • The truth is that they were troubled.  Jesus is saying that He’s going away and they can’t come.  Understand this must have deeply troubled them.  Over the last three years as they have spent time with Jesus, followed Jesus, ministered with Jesus, the apostles had heard Him say speak several times of His approaching sufferings and death…statements which appear to us simple and plain, but not to them.  They must have been perplexed, amazed…they were certainly not able to understand Him literally as we are. 
  • He had also spoken of restoring the Kingdom of Israel and ruling and reigning forever which they could easily understand…and just like you and I, they tended to latch onto what they could comprehend.  They were fully convinced that He was the Messiah, and in light of their prophetic conclusions, their connection to the Messiah was that of a Conqueror, a prosperous king.  And so as they followed Jesus and as they watched Him raise the dead, heal the blind, speak with the words of everlasting life and even amaze them with His love and compassion…their hopes no doubt soared.  Most likely, just a few days ago their hopes magnificently intensified when they say Him ride into Jerusalem amid the joyous acclamations of the multitudes hailing Him as the Son of David!
  • But now, Jesus is troubled.  Visibly distraught and saying things like “Now is My soul troubled and what shall I say, Father save Me from this hour?”  And “A little while longer I am with you and where I go, you cannot come.”  Let alone what He had said to Peter…
  • So He gives them the cure, and He gives us the cure for a troubled heart.  “Believe in God…Believe in Me” He says.  Trust Me.  Remember what I have promised…remember that God is infinite power, infinite wisdom and infinite goodness.  Believe, in your time of trouble, that He is on the throne…that hasn’t changed and He is your refuge, your strength, and your very present help!  Just as you know that and believe that, believe also in Me, Jesus says!  I am the Messiah, all will be restored…and I am forever with you, and I will never forsake you.
  • You know what that kind of belief does?  Comforts us.  1 Peter 1:8-9 says, “Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith-the salvation of your souls.”
  • And it’s so cool that while the trouble lay before Jesus, all that is about to happen to Him heavy on His heart and mind…what does He do?  He comforts others…and He continues…


Chapter 14 Verses 2 – 4

  • So why could Peter and the rest of the disciples not follow Jesus?  It was just a moment ago that Jesus said “Where I go, you cannot come” yet now He says “where I am, there you may be also.”  So why the change?  What happens, what is revealed by Jesus between that statement and this one?  The conduit, the catalyst, the factor that makes all the difference is found in verse 2…”I go to prepare a place for you.”
  • Without Jesus Christ, our Savior, we…man would not be permitted into the presence of the Father.  But because Jesus has accomplished for all man when no man ever could…we now have fellowship with the Father and a place with Him…a mansion…Jesus says!
  • The word in the Greek there which is translated for us “mansions” is the word “Mone.”  Which I find quite interesting for two reason…one, most people spend their lives, their time, their effort, the sweat equity…they spend their thought equity, their aspirations…on a phonetically similar word…money!  They’re duped into thinking that more and more of it will bring them peace and happiness and ease and rest and satisfaction…and when they get it…lots of it to the point that they’re rich, Jesus tells us that it even has a hardening affect upon the heart as they trust in their riches (1 Timothy 6, Psalm 49, Proverbs 11, Mark 10…especially Mark 10)…you know where we should spend our lives?  Focusing on, investing in and reaching forwards towards mone!  Which will last, which no one can take away, and that will bring rest, and peace, and power and purpose…true purpose!
  • The second thing I find interesting is why the translators would select “mansion” as a proper translation for mone.  That word is only used in one other place in the New Testament and its actually later in this chapter.  Its actually verse 23.  And so we see that a better translation for the Greek word mone is probably “abiding place.”
  • Now before you say “oh crud, I thought we got an estate up there on the streets of gold” don’t let your hopes fall because look that “abiding place” what we are given in heaven in the forever presence of the Father is described for us in 2 Cor 5 verses 1 – 5.  Let’s turn and check it out!  So what is it?  Our “abiding place?”…heavenly!  Made for the very presence of God…designed for the very abode of eternity…and specifically prepared for you by Jesus Christ Himself. 
  • But notice they are troubled because He is still, at least for now leaving them…and they don’t quite understand what God is doing, what He is saying…so what are we about to see?  Questioning.  First Peter, we’re about to see Thomas, then Philip is going to question Him…and how does Jesus react…Fatherly…


Chapter 14 Verses 5 – 6

  • Radical statement from Jesus of Nazareth.  Radical statements warrant a decision.  There are many that claim Jesus to simply be a great prophet of God…but that conclusion is absolutely imcompatible with this statement.  There are many that claim Jesus was just a man empowered by God to do signs and wonders…but that conclusion is absolutely incompatible with this statement.  There are many that believe all roads lead to God and that there are many paths to salvation…but that conclusion is absolutely incompatible with what Jesus says here to Thomas who asks, “How can we KNOW the way?”
  • That is why out of love we cannot stand-by in tolerance and acceptance of false teachers and false religions.  We may as well be killing them when we “respect” their beliefs.  We need to be bold in our witness and stand for what is right…that Jesus is THE way THE truth and THE life and that no one comes to the Father except through Him…that is what He is about to go and prepare by the cross…
  • Not bold in offense…bold in love!  Filled with the Holy Spirit and prepared by the teaching of God’s word!  Prepared!!!  That’s what the Word does.  Jesus said, “behold in the volume of the book it is written of Me!”  THE truth…and the truth makes you free!  The truth makes you see!  You begin to see the truth of existence, the truth of life…what it really is…you begin to see the truth about why you’re so miserable!  No its not them…its sin!  It’s you!  You begin to perceive that truth is not found in a system of philosophy, but in a Person, Jesus…and as you are illuminated by THE truth, He reveals the glory of God’s grace and holiness and love which is absolute treasure!  (Col 2:3)
  • What tremendous foolishness when we look to ourselves for THE way to God and THE truth of eternity.   What will it ever profit us even though we have mastered all the sciences of men, were experts in all the events of history, versed in all languages of man and prestegous professors of politics?   To what lasting gain?  When times are hard and when real pain of loss enters in…and when we come to our last breath in this world and our first in the next, how we will wish then that we have read our newspapers less and our Bibles more!  Because in all of our getting, all of our hoarding of data and interest, we missed understanding and THE truth just became another common academic achievement.  That is why Paul would write to Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:5 that “they have a form of godliness, but no power”…its all mind matter and not a heart filled with the Holy Spirit…the very Spirit of Truth! 
  • So often we wonder why we don’t have victory over that bondage…we wonder why things don’t seem to get better…we search for the answer as to why our marriages are still busted, our careers are more like jobs and we’re more happy with our days as they go than as they come…well the Truth is…Jesus…is He really Lord?  Is He really THE way you have resolved, decided to live?  Is He really the way and the truth to you?  If so…then He’ll also be the life!  Zoe life!  Exuberant life.  Consistent and joyful.  Not easy…but victorious. 

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