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Jun 12, 2011 | Matt Korniotes

Philippians Chp 4 vs 4-23

Verses 8 – 9


It is a difficult thing to remain is an even more difficult endeavor to fight anxiety....and it is humanly impossible to be of the same mind...but Paul continues in his little letter by offering remedy...sound doctrine against fear and distrust.  


Fear and damaging.  These alter reality in that they perplex the mind, confuse the truth and always lead to strife.  We don't have perfect knowledge...whatever the situation...Paul says find what is pure.


Not all issues are silly and trivial, but actually, most are....most issues that get us all upset are issues regarding doubtful things...


What should we eat and drink, what should we wear....doubtful things.  These doubtful, meaningless things turn us against each other.  (metaphor regarding bobos)


Confusion, distraction, worry, strife...all of this is taken away in the Lord.  Cured. 


Turn over to James 3:13 - 18


(Good conduct) – Paul tells us to give the benefit of the doubt.  Paul tells us to be mature and to forgive the petty offense...pure, peaceable, willing to yield, FULL of mercy...  BUT this must not be construed as a warrant to freely exercise Christian liberty...we ourselves must be wary of our conduct.  Why?


Well first, what do I mean by Christian liberty?


Some read the bible and say Christians should not be in politics.

Some read the bible and say Christians should not drink alcohol.

Some read the bible and say Christians should not work for a company that manufactures war materials.

Some read the bible and say Christians shouldn't wear bobos 'cause we're Kings' kids...


In 1 Cor 10:23 Paul says all things are lawful for me but not all things edify, not all things are helpful.  This verse teaches that whatever the answer may be to the problem of doubtful practices, it is not legalism....In the early church, the battle against legalism was won for pure grace....


Remember there in Acts 15 when Paul resisted Peter for his legalistic approach to the gentiles saying “now then why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of the disciples a yoke that neither we nor our fathers have been able to bear! No!  We believe that it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are!” 



The liberty that we have in Christ, the freedom we have living under grace must not be construed as license to simply live and do as you may have heard someone say we are not under law but under grace > Christians can therefore go on doing as they please.  This error pretends to be logical, but it is is anti-biblical, it is anti-Christian.


Paul does not hesitate to address this question in Romans 6...he says “shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace?  By no means!!”  He adds “now you have been set free from sin and have become slaves, of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness and the result is eternal life.”


Greasy grace, sloppy agape, is demonic.  I know of 26 places in the bible where God clearly condemns the idea of oh well I'm under grace so I can live my life unto myself...not the understanding of God's grace will ALWAYS lead to a life of holiness and the eyes of the Lord AND in the eyes of man.


Can I have a drink, yes.  Can I wear an ear ring, yes.  Can I cover my body in tattoos, yes...I have that liberty in Christ...I can live a life unto the Lord in righteousness and do these things...BUT will I then retain holiness in the eyes of the my brother, or my sister, or that person at work that I have been witnessing to?




That is why James says “good conduct.”  God is not making a list and checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty or nice....if that were the case then no one would get anything for Christmas because we're all busted....but in Christ, by His blood, by His sacrifice, we are acceptable to the Lord just as we are...that’s how much He loves us....that’s mercy


But God gives us more...He bestows you know what grace is?  Grace is that He loves us enough to not leave us as we are but once saved He then begins the process of sanctification within us as He calls us, draws us near to Himself and brings us into abundant life and joy, and peace....


We must consider others in all that we do.  So as to not lay a stumbling block in their path and cause them....confusion. 


The bible says that our God is not a God of confusion but a God of peace.  And confusion is a ship-wrecked dwelling...Isaiah 24:10 says “the city of confusion is broken down; every house is shut up so that none may go in....” 


And so Paul says, look hard enough...and you can certainly find a reason to not like me.  You can certainly find a reason to condemn me...but don't look so hard.  Will you please just love me?  Doesn't God just love you even though you are more imperfect than you are perfect?




One last thought here, there are many issues within the bible that are not doubtful, the bible is very clear about what needs to be addressed very seriously and very quickly. 


Turn over to Galatians 5, pick it up in verse 19....Romans 1, Exodus 20, Romans 13....


We do not shy away from addressing outright, sin...because when sin is fully grown it brings forth destroys...let me be clear...


However petty offenses, doubtful issues...if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things and the God of peace will be with you...the idea here is in fellowship with you...


We see what we choose to see.  An unknown author once said, when you think the best about someone, it usually brings the best out of them...I can make and enemy of anyone...if I look hard enough...but I can also minister to anyone, love anyone, it’s my choice...God has given me that capacity and through His Son and His apostles, He has given me the example.  (Turn over to 1 Peter Chp 2 18 v18 – 23) (Chp3:8,9) – skip to v 17 this is our armament (4:1-2)

He has shown the Way...KP Yohanan writes in his latest book...”once we submit to what God has for us instead of fighting against it, we will discover His best instead of forfeiting it...We all want God's best for our lives, but how many times, without even knowing it was right around the corner, have we forfeited what was divinely planned for us?”

God has given everything to us by His grace, through His is essential that we grow up and choose love, and stop ripping ourselves peace, no affection, no rest....all because we choose to meditate on that which we cannot change and that which God has deemed pure through the blood of Jesus...the bible says, what God has cleansed you must not call common (Acts 10).


Verses 10 – 13


Jesus said “apart from Me you can do nothing.”  Paul said “I can do all things through Christ.” 


It is a hard yet a vital lesson to learn that we can do nothing worthwhile in our flesh.  To the world, this causes confusion and the believer this causes release, response and rejoicing as it is God who wills and works while we simply enjoy His presence and preeminence.


This is not a lesson that comes overnight, at least it didn't for me.  Teaching in my own strength because I knew that I knew the truth, I knew that I had knowledge of what the bible said and so I used it not to solve the issues in peoples’ lives but to tell them what they should be doing, how they should be performing....many nights I met with the Lord in distress all the while sharpening my knowledge of the word and actively preaching it at people...



But that solved very little.  God's grace solved my problem.  God's love embraced me right where I was at....a sinner saved by grace...I wasn't helping anyone, I was ostracizing them, I was separating myself from them...and my fellowship with God, my oneness with the God of love, the God of peace...suffered.


Paul says there in 11, “I have learned.”  I am convinced that although each of us have personal walks with the Lord, we all grow overall in a similar way...different paces for sure, but a similar way nevertheless.  To say, “I have learned” is a fantastic statement...many don't want to say that....and that is tragic...many want to simply be ok right where they are at and the thought of learning makes them ashamed...this should not be so.


Paul says I have learned the more excellent way.  Jesus went to the homes of the gentiles and so shall I...Jesus loved me enough to lay His life down while I was still afar off, and so shall I...all of these things break the nature of my flesh, but so did the life of God Himself,


His life restored, His life loved, His life healed...and so shall I yield to His will, His ways and His calling...therefore it is no longer I that lives but Christ that lives through me (Gal 2:20) and by this, I have learned the truth about existence, the truth about reality, what it all means and therefore I can do all things through Christ, through the truth that strengthens me...

Its kinda like the Matrix....once Neo knew the truth, he could see the code, he had power then to affect the code...once we see eternity, we can effect it with our love, with our choices, with our’s awesome....


Verses 14 – 17


Fruit from a ministry you support is accounted to the supporter.  In other words, whatever ministry you support > the produce of that ministry, you take part enter into fellowship with and therefore God takes your giving very seriously and you should too.  Prayerfully invest in a ministry...


Verses 18 – 20


Paul has all?  He has nothing...he's not even supplied food where he is at.  Many nights he goes without food, his rights have been taken, his honor > turned to dishonor yet he states again, I have all and abound. 


This is the grace of God.  God's abounding grace...His unmerited and unlimited favor...when Jesus said I have come that you may have abundant life, this is what He meant.  Not money, cash, cars, diamond rings, gold chains and champagne...but rest in the midst of in the shadow of death, love and fullness in times of peril and distress...that is what I want for my children...


Not that they have all the luxuries of life, but that they are safe and full...all my rules, all my instruction, it is all towards that end...


And so Paul here has received God's grace and has learned that love and maturity is the way to close fellowship with God Almighty and if God is with Him, no man and nothing can stand against Him...and so He is full.


Verses 21 – 23


Who are the brethren with Him?  Yes there are a few that are there with him that we may  know but he is probably talking about the prison guards and fellow inmates...He says especially those of Caesars' household! 


And then he ends with Grace.  First sentence of the letter he opens with Grace to you and the last sentence of the letter he closes with Grace be with you....its kinda like a grace sandwich and that is the theme of this letter...grace is the set of book ends holding together all of who we are....


Not a one is perfect, not a one is good, but wrapped in grace, we are cleansed...we have the capacity to offer grace, to grant grace, and in that we have the capacity to receive grace...God would say, accept My best son...continue on, learning and walk with Me. 


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