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Dec 30, 2015 | Matt Korniotes

Judges 17 vs 1-13

Judges Chapter 17 Verses 1 – 2

  • Now what we are going to see is fundamentally a mess. The people involved, the scenes that take place, the decisions people make and the conversations that are had…are just a mess! What chapters 17 and 18 give us is an example of the spiritual confusion (mental, physical, life confusion!) in Israel during these days.
  • So what we are basically seeing is a son who stole 1,100 shekels of silver from his own mother (which by the way was a FORTUNE – 10 shekels a year was a good wage according to later in this chapter – so this is 110 years of salary)! So he stole this money and now has returned it and his mother blesses

Judges Chapter 17 Verse 3

  • Now that’s a mess! Strictly against the second commandment found for us in Exodus 20:4 and for them the ink on the stone tablet was still drying! Do you see this? It doesn’t matter if it is for the Lord, Baal, Ashteroth or Obama…it doesn’t matter if someone says in their heart, “Oh man this is for you God!” If it goes against the Word of God…that’s a mess! That’s sin!
  • And 200 shekels! That’s 20 years of salary! Wouldn’t you rather have a nice new chariot sitting on 26’s!? Or maybe build an orphanage or maybe fund a mission or whatever? No let’s take this HUGE sum of money and have a custom carved image made! What a mess. Why? Well, this is the state of the land…and the reason is political correctness, moral relativism, democracy and tolerance. What, you say…well skip down to verse 6….in those days everyone did what was right in their own eyes…
  • The problem is as Jesus described in Matthew Chapter 6…the eye is a link to the body, a picture of the flesh and we read in 2 Corinthians 5:7 that we walk (correctly) by faith and not by sight…and so to do what is right in our own eyes is to rely upon our sensual, sensory understanding which is…I mean in most basic terms, our flesh! Do what feels good…do what thou wilt…, “If it isn’t fun then why do it?” That is the call of the world and in the midst of that call is self-seeking weakness and confusion!
  • Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” (and the lamp of the body is the eye) Peter said, “You, Jesus are the only One with the words of eternal life.” The problem with Israel right now, that causes all of their confusion…the problem with America, the UK, the UN and this world, that causes all of their confusion and strife and endless lucrative problems…the problem in your heart that causes sleepless nights and hard days at home or at school or with her or with them…is that there is no king. Light ain’t getting to the lamp.
  • The king is not you…can’t be. It’s not even Lucifer. Can’t be. You and I are no king and Satan is no king…we just all want to be. The truth is that if there is a King of kings then there is only And until He is given that title and authority…confusion, wasted time and ultimate failure upon failure. And the wonderful thing about King Jesus…you’ll love Him…how wonderful when the King is adored by His Kingdom. How marvelous when the King reigns in righteousness! That is precisely the love relationship that awaits us all in surrendering our entire life to Jesus and finally having a King in the land…

Judges Chapter 17 Verse 5

  • Now what’s interesting is that these are all elements to be found in the temple…or the tabernacle at this time. I mean Micah goes all out to set up this personal religion and it looks like the real thing. He has the shrine, which is a little temple of sorts…he has an ephod which was a specific garment worn by priests of Israel…he evens begins his own line of religious leaders…and then he peppers in a little worldliness by adding literally prosperity idols…sounds really familiar doesn’t it?
  • Here’s the issue. None of this is from God. All of this is from Micah. None of this is from God. Moses would have jump-kicked Micah. Joshua would have MK upper-cutted him…but he has no godly leadership and he has no King.

Judges Chapter 17 Verses 6 – 9

  • The fact is this young man did have a place. He had at least 49 places that were his to dwell in but he didn’t care. What do I mean by 49? Well we know from Joshua Chapter 21 that the Levites were given 48 cities among the other tribes of Israel. And so he had those 48 and add to that his father’s house, most likely where he had come from and that makes 49.
  • Here’s the thing though. He didn’t want what God had given him, he wanted his own. To find it and get it himself. He didn’t want to continue in his father’s house, he wanted to do his own thing…and man there have been many times in the past that I have been given a sob story of a person’s very difficult financial position and how they need help when their father or mother lives around the corner…they just won’t humble themselves to their parents…this is the state of Israel. A lack of humility and therefore a lack of strength.
  • So he is a priest for hire…wandering about looking for a land? A job? Looking for employment? No. He’s looking for a god! Horrible! Are you doing that? Conducting your life by what is right in your own eyes? If so then you are god shopping and you’re going to end up with the wrong one…because God, the true God, must be sought specifically through humility and His Word.

Judges Chapter 17 Verse 10

  • Notice the Money, material things…the offer isn’t that Micah serves the one true God and man they are on a mission to bring Him glory (that’s my only offer – and many turn away)…it’s money…

Judges Chapter 17 Verse 11

  • The young man is content. But what is missing. God. And so this young man is utterly in the flesh and is content to be there and watch this…he becomes like a son to Micah. He probably didn’t even know he was doing this but roots get laid and emotions get involved and all of a sudden, this young man…who was separated by blood for God at birth, is sold into idolatry. This is why we just can’t play folks. If you’re in a funk, best get out. If you’re playing with sin, best get out. Because those roots are being laid and once you’re trapped, it takes major pain to break free…God says, “Be free now!”

Judges Chapter 17 Verses 12 – 13

  • Man, do you see this! Deep down Micah knew his idolatry, his lifestyle, who he had become and what he was doing was wrong and false!!!! “Now I KNOW!” See that? Now Micah has false confidence, and this young man has a false consecration…Micah has no authority to consecrate him! Both are entirely sincere and yet both are entirely in sin and self deceived. Is that you? Is what you do, how you conduct yourself, your life and your days…is it honoring to God…or are you swept into confusion?

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