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Jun 16, 2019 | Matt Korniotes

Father's Day 2019 - Trust the Lord

According to Paul as he wrote in 1 Corinthians 4:15, one father is worth ten thousand teachers!  Just put this into perspective!  The ability and potential and knowledge that can be contained and contributed by ten thousand instructors, ten thousand trainers, ten thousand coaches is embodied in one dad…the dad bod.  Ha!  Truly, it it’s proper persepctvie, your importance, dad, is unmatched, divinely designed and even personified by God Himself! 


You’re incredibly important.  The legacy of the fatherless is the lifelong need and desire for validation.  Incredibly important…on the individual level and the societal level and your role includes, but is not limited to, leader (spiritual, emotional, physical, practical), teacher, coach, example, provider, disciplinarian, educator and protector!  Overwhelming at times, maybe even overwhelming right now as you hear these truths but today I want you to know that you’re appreciated, and I want to encourage you today that even though the job is incredibly scary…I mean if you read a job req that said “Requirements: The potential single candidate will contribute the value of 10,000 employees…” I mean, we’d panic…understandably so…but I want to give you today that even though the job is incredibly challenging when it is described in truth, the Lord has for you all that you need to be wildly successful!


You see there is one thing among successful fathers that is entirely common.  Even the good fathers that we see in the scriptures.  Abraham trusted God with the life of his son, Isaac.  Noah taught his sons to trust God even if the world mocks you for it.  Moses showed his sons the power of trusting God.  David taught his sons the wisdom of trusting God.  Even, Joseph the earthly father of Jesus Christ exemplified trusting the Word of God as he submitted to God’s will.  The one thing each of these heroic Biblical fathers have in common is their trust in the Lord.

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 4:16, “Therefore I urge you, imitate me.”  Terrifying…because whether you’ve said that or not, you are what they will becomethey watch your life far more than they listen to your words…It’s been said, “It’s lightning that strikes, not thunder”…so here is the GPS (Godly Positional System), the Google Maps, the little purple line and it is simply this….as a father, as a leader, as a coach, as a teacher, as an example, you’re success will be entirely wrapped up in the answer of this question, “How genuinely have you trusted an unknown future path to an entirely knowable and all mighty God?”


Father and leader are indeed synonymous terms.  You may think now or wives you may even be thinking, “Well he doesn’t lead…that’s a main issue in my home…”  I’m sorry but you’re only half right.  I didn’t say father and “good leader” are synonymous…Dad’s look, you’re leading…the question is, are you good or not…where are you leading them and what are you leading them to….?  Your children will capture your passions!  What you model, you indeed promote!  How often do your parents show up in your behaviors!?  Mine show up all the time!  I’m a big exhaler now and that is something I remember in my mom…it’s odd.  My father used to sing little songs almost constantly, that’s me almost constantly.  But, I also have an extremely short fuse…hello mom and dad! (Bristol England; George Whitfield (early 1700’s) (preached to 80% of all American Colonists) and Thorpe story – From Hellfire Club to Evangelist)


When I show up in their behaviors, will that lead them to the Lord?  Will it lead them to life?  Here’s the question that haunts me, “Will they know what to do?”


Turn with me to Psalm 128.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the man that fears the Lord, trusts the Lord, gives their life and heart and trust to the Lord and walks in His ways, says here, he will be blessed!  Blessed people bless others.  No doubt!  Notice, your wife shall be like a fruitful vine…doesn’t say she is…it says she shall be.  Dads, as you walk in God’s ways, that is what leads your home and your wife to bearing much fruit.  Grape vines have to be secured off the ground…if left on their own they will be head down…looking almost discouraged, dragging the ground, growing among the weeds and will not bear fruit…even if they do, the critters can and will take the fruit.  The good farmer lifts up the vines, secures them high off the ground where they are safe and have access to sunlight and rain water…and then they yield excellent fruit.  He doesn’t raise them up because they are fruitful, he raises them up, lifts them up so that they can become fruitful.


For the man that walks in the Lord, trusts the Lord and exemplifies a life of worship, your children will be like olive plants all around your table.  A promise from God!  Olive trees are interesting.  It takes 20 years for them to begin to bring forth olives.  20 years of pruning and cultivating and tending…but then an olive tree will bear olives for thousands of years after that.  In Jerusalem, in the Garden of Gethsemane, there are olive trees that are 2,000 years old…(v4) behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord. 


A man that trusts the Lord and walks in His ways will be a good husband.  A good father.  A good leader.  You will be content with the labor of your hands.  God will teach you that.  Your wife will be blessed.  You will lead her to that.  Your children will be safe and well established.  Your influence will get them there.  We need, they need we must have and you must be….inspiring and influential.  No one likes a boss at home…everyone appreciates a good leader.

I saw on a tow truck on the highway this week, “Move over, it’s the law!” and I thought to myself…, “How can I get in that guy’s way!?”  HA!!  But if it said, “Here to serve,” then I would have not only wanted to give way but also give support.  There are a great many “bosses” in the home and far too few leaders.  Bosses wield power over people but the mark of a true leader is one that inspires, influences and leads with grace and integrity. 


It’s really all about inspiring and influencing.  Bossing folks around and laying down the law, that’s not leading…anyone can do that.  But those that will lead their wives, children and homes to God’s blessings is one who trusts the Lord in integrity…walks out in front towards the Lord 24/7…I know we think that we ought to teach them wisdom and provide for them but Solomon was the richest man that ever lived and the wisest man that ever lived all the while being a terrible father…why?  He did not teach his sons to love the Lord…


So how do you do it?  First and only, you trust the Lord.  What does that look like?  Integrity.  If the people at home don’t think you are serious about God, then you aren’t.  And that is what they are being taught.  You need to trust God…and walk in His ways.  And you need to do that with absolute integrity.  You see, inspiration and influence…these are the true qualities that will lead your children and set the condition for their success and the conditions for the success of your marriage….but those two things, inspiration and influence are not primary qualities…you can’t just be inspiring or influential…they are add-on items.  They only come with authenticity, humility, courage and consistency.  And that is what you and I MUST do as fathers if we are to walk in Psalm 128. 


Look at this…Jeremiah 35:1-10.  Generational obedience.  Influence and inspiration that spanned generations to the point that even the sons of Jonadab stand as judges and leaders in the house of God.  Why?  How?  Turn over to 2 Kings 10:15-17…In the generation past, their father had gone to war against that which was destroying their nation in obedience to the Word of God…and look over at 2 Kings 10:18-28…with his life he literally wiped out the worship of idols.  This man did not lay rules down, he inspired a nation.  His influence spanned generations, to his children’s children…just as we read in Psalm 128.


Fathers, you are incredible, your calling is incredibly and critically important, and you are leading…whether you accept that or not.  You must be successful.  And your success rests squarely in your commitment to the Lord.  You can drive to an unknown destination without GPS…that’s your call…and by some luck and fortune, you may make it…but I doubt it.  Your kids may have abilities, wisdom, moneybut will they know to trust the Lord, will they know what to do?  Your inspiration and influence will answer that question.  Trust the Lord.  Lead in the things of the Lord.  Do it with integrity, grit, humility and consistency…and no matter what that olive tree looks like today, no matter what that vine looks like today, there will be a fruitful future, and I know…that is what you want…what you’d give your life for…so give it.

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