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Aug 29, 2018 | Matt Korniotes

Exodus 1 vs 18-23 & 2 vs 1-25

Exodus Chapter 2 Verses 1 – 2

  • She had to hide him. It was open season on all Hebrew males!  Moses was born into a cruel reality.  A world filled with hate that wanted to harm him.  Unfriendly and hostile but he has an advantagehe was the son of believing parents.  (Hebrews 11:23) Let me tell you, if that’s you then you are at a huge advantage!!  Don’t waste it!  Parents that trust the Lord not only operate in wisdom in terms of how they instruct but they can be observed and watched and as they follow in the footsteps of the Lord! You have a severe advantage over this world in that you can follow in their footsteps.  Because his parents are believers, Moses awakening to a royal death sentence will end up a hero of his nation and a hero of all time.
  • Jewish legend says that Moses’ birth was swift…no pain, no real labor…and that at birth his face shone with the glory of the sun and the moon. It continues that he walked and spoke when he was only one day old and that he refused to nurse but ate solid food from birth!  Silly legend.  That’s not Moses, that was Chuck Norris!  HA!!

Exodus Chapter 2 Verses 3 – 6

  • Now there is an interesting picture here, a parallel, a type of the coming Christ that can be seen in this circumstance. The child is born and is placed in an ark, covered in pitch and placed in the waters.  The ark makes us think of Noah but the ark itself is indeed a picture of the Body of Christ.  That those that are being saved from the coming condemnation are sealed in, as the Bible says, by God Himself…and then after three months, not on the water, but three months old, he is found by the world (if you will).  And it was after 30 years that Jesus began His public ministry…
  • And his cry, Moses’ cry brings a heart of flesh to the Pharaoh’s daughter…who was commanded to kill on sight…but his cry touches her heart…just like those that will come to a saving faith will think upon the cry of Jesus on the cross, “Forgive them Father, they don’t know what they’re doing,” and, “It is finished,” many will think on that cry and their hearts will be humbled…
  • The ark is among the reeds, a picture of the rulers of the earth…just as Jesus today is heralded as great amongst the characters of history and yet out of the ark came life…just as Jesus’ body was broken, streams of everlasting living water flowed from Him to countless saints…and continues still today…it’s amazing how Moses points us to Jesus just as Joseph did as well…oh ONE MORE MAJOR THING…
  • Check this out, Moses was placed by his mother into the waters…a picture of the people of earth, a picture of the nations, waters and seas are always a type and parallel to the nations, he was placed in the waters lawfully by his parents! His parents were under the law…to do what they did…and so when Moses was found there amongst the waters he was blameless…fulfilling the law entirely!  Just like Jesus…being born under the law and yet living perfectly in such a way to fulfill the law and ultimately satisfy the law with His blood!!!  Amazing, right!!??

Exodus Chapter 2 Verses 7 – 10

  • “Moses” the name literally means, “He was drawn out of the waters,” which incredibly…to me…is yet another pointer to the coming Savior! As Jesus was born right into His own creation, sent by God into the waters…or the people, just to later be drawn out, set apart, righteous and readily available but also entirely separate, separated unto perfection to set right what we had made wrong…
  • And both he and his mom really make out quite well here. She ends up getting paid to be his mom, that’d be nice, right ladies?  Some of y’all deserve a huge salary for what you put up with!  Can I get an “amen,” ha!!  (I remember just recently Link was being a real problem, just not having a good day, and I saw a sign that said “Watch for children,” and I thought to myself, “That sounds like a fair trade!”  HA!!)  But Moses’ mom, actually her name is Jochebed, got a pretty good gig out of this…
  • And then there was Moses. He was learned in all the ways and history of his people and yet we know from Acts 7:22 that he was also trained in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was mighty in words and deeds!  And…rich, which doesn’t hurt!  HA! 

Exodus Chapter 2 Verse 11a

  • I love that verse…because its true. When you’re grown, you begin to care about the burdens of others.  Now, I’m not just talking about wisdom or age…there’s more to being grown than that.  I’m talking about, “Get it together, man!”  That phrase goes through my mind at least 20 times per week and I’m being serious.  Not so much about others but just to myself…when I get too wrapped up on stress or when I’m dealing with decisions or I get a little bit on edge because of deadlines and responsibilities…but also when I’m observing the burdens of others…
  • Here’s the thing…you will never care about the burdens of others until you are in control of your own. That is a major element of “grown” too and perhaps why our generation has coined the term, “snowflake.”  If you don’t get your own life in order, you will never be grown and that’s just that…because you will never have a heart, eyes or ears for the burdens of others…why?  Because you still need so much from others…you are an addition to someone else’s burden.  Moses is grown…and so his heart is to observe and see and affect positively the burdens of others…

Exodus Chapter 2 Verses 11 – 12

  • I like what Courson says about this scene. Moses looks left and he looks right but he doesn’t look up…he doesn’t seek the Lord, and because of it, there is loss of life and there is hiding…

Exodus Chapter 2 Verses 13 – 15

  • The punishment for capital murder in Egypt was serious and severe. It was life for life and so Moses now had a death sentence over his head.  Now there is a bit of a parallel play here as well, in other words, I see Jesus in this scene too.  The Egyptian is a picture of the flesh…and Jesus, to save all mankind from the penalty and power of sin, being 100% God and yet 100% man, allowed His body to be broken…the Man on the cross, died.  And from that death, came His rejection by His people.  Looking for a Savior to save them right then, right now, they rejected the suffering servant…now, watch this…rejected by His people, he (Moses) goes to outsiders…

Exodus Chapter 2 Verses 16 – 17

  • Seven daughters speaks to the seven golden lampstands mentioned in Revelation 1:20 which are the seven churches, representing the church as a whole…and as the church is birthed there in the first century, the shepherds, the Jewish leaders sought to smash it…but Jesus refreshed them and refreshes us by His Spirit. He helps…I love that.  That word means, delivered, saved, brought victory…AND it’s Him that waters the flock…I just love that…

Exodus Chapter 2 Verses 18 – 20

  • Um hello! You seven unmarried daughters left this man at the well…go get him!!!  HA!!  Can you imagine the anxiety of Reuel!?  In those days daughters were dangerous!!  People started wars over daughters…I guess they still do!  He has seven of them!  No way he can protect them…He’s looking for a man!  HA!!

Exodus Chapter 2 Verses 21 – 22

  • Notice, the offspring…the second generation…those that are a product of what has happened to Moses (a picture and parallel to Jesus) they are called…strangers in the land.

Exodus Chapter 2 Verses 23 – 25

  • Notice this as we close…God did not turn His attention, focus and action upon the people of Israel because they were good people or because they worshipped Him fervently or because they walked righteously before HimHe acknowledged them because of His covenant. He does the same today, for each of us…not because we are good and always do the right things…but because of the covenant He has made with each one of us through His own blood.


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