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Aug 22, 2018 | Matt Korniotes

Exodus 1 vs 1-17

The Book of Exodus, which literally means “exit” is really a continuation of Genesis.  It begins with the word “Now,” but it also means, “And.”  It picks up virtually right where Genesis leaves off however in an accelerated timeframe type manner.  It zooms out, if you will, for a generation and opens with a king that never knew Joseph.  (At least a couple hundred years after Joseph)

Authorship of the Book is attributed to Moses and for that we have good reason.  Parts of the book itself refer to Moses as the author.  For example, Exodus 17:14, “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write this for a memorial in the book and recount it in the hearing of Joshua…”  Also, Exodus 24:4, “And Moses wrote all the words of the Lord…”  And Exodus 34:27, “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Write these words, for according to the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.’” 

Notice, just as with the entirety of the Word of God, Moses was the tool and yet the letters, words, sentences and books were recorded and preserved at the command, direction and leading of the Lord.  2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God,” literally, “God breathed.”  It was the breath of God that brought life originally and it was the breath of God that brought life the second time once sin was defeated!  (John 20:22) The Word of God itself is a continuation…a part of…an on-going archived epic of life! 

We also find evidence in the New Testament that points to Moses as the author of Exodus.  Mark 7:10 (words of Jesus) attributes one of the commandments as being recorded by Moses (which of course we have the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20).  “For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.’”  Also, Mark 12:26 (again, Jesus speaking), “But concerning the dead, that they rise, have you not read in the book of Moses, in the burning bush passage, how God spoke to him, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?”

These evidences together somewhat seal the argument or question (at least for me) as to who wrote the Book of Exodus.  While there is some interesting controversy around the timing of the events in this book, according to 1 Kings 6:1, the exodus took place 480 years before, “the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel.”  We know that Solomon reigned over Israel around 966 BC, and so it has been traditionally held that the exodus occurred around 1500 BC.

The Book of Exodus is 40 chapters and ends rather abruptly but within its pages we find amazing revelations such as God revealing His name, His attributes, His redemption, His law and His lawful design of worship.  Profound insights into God’s character such as the holy, righteous Ten Commandments are given in this book.  We see God’s span and understand how God is the Lord of ALL history.  God’s work and Word are not just affecting Israel but also Pharaoh and all of Egypt.  The plagues sent by God upon Egypt will be seen in this book. 

Redemption is also a major theme, if not THE theme, of this book.  We will watch the Passover originally occur…it’s really, at the 60,000 foot level…a story of each and every man and woman…it begins with the betrayal of the world…a picture of the flesh…God raising up a man to liberate his people from Egyptian bondage, God establishing His kingdom among them by bringing them into a special covenant with Him and then the book concludes with the building of God’s royal tabernacle among them…


Exodus Chapter 1 Verses 1 - 11

  • It’s interesting that I so often see that those who I have a propensity to deal shrewdly with (and shrewd simply means “judgmentally” or “sharply”) are those whom I somehow or in some way… Whether it’s that I fear they will mess up my comfort or it could be that I fear that if I am close or accepting towards them, others will begin to associate me with them.  At any rate, we see it here and I just want you to have an awareness to this truth…that those you tend to judge or exact power over…the source of that urge and manneris often fear.
  • The ancient Egyptians were known for their thick sense of racial superiority and in the midst of this empire, the Israelite numbers were swarming! And so there was this sense of resentment that began to build and even accusation…, “What if they join our enemies!?”  Fear began to grip the Egyptians…and so what does fear motivate us to do so often?  Exact control…become task masters…but notice, the nation of Israel continues to flourish!

Exodus Chapter 1 Verse 12

  • This is a truth throughout the pages of scripture relevant to the people of God. There is cold, hard, practical fact here that is perplexing and amazing at the same time…and that is…and I love how Ralph Waldo Emerson put it, “We acquire the strength we have overcome!”  Hardship and difficult seasons are essential to our growth, our depth and our strength.  I’ll give you the amazing side next, but the perplexing side is how we are WIRED from birth, part of our fallen nature, to avoid hardship and difficulty at almost all costs!  AND to avoid it for our loved ones with our lives even!!  Perplexing!  Without resistance, there is no muscle growth!
  • Here’s the amazing side. Going through hardship, enduring affliction…enduring it, not screaming, complaining…all the while plotting how to get out of it but stepping forward into it, trusting God and resting in Him, here’s what it did for them, why they flourished and here’s what it will do for you if you do what is hard or harder, but right…
  • Within you, and within the struggle, it will spark a sense of Struggle forces folks to take action and in the action is birthed motivation and grit.  Second, you learn how to keep calm and thicken your skin and your backbone.  You lean that the only end of the world, is the end of the world.  Third, you become an inspiration and encourager of others.  Fourth, you begin to see the beauty in life and joy does not flee…why?  Because even in an undesirable situation you find gratitude that not all is lost.  You become independent and grow in confidence.  You draw near to the Lord…because only He knows where you are internally…  Finally, you become gracious towards others who may be struggling. 
  • A study published in the Social Psychological and Personality Science journal concluded that, “Individuals who had dealt with more adversity in the past reported an elevated capacity for savoring,” the small things in life and the simplicity of each day.
  • The nation under great affliction was not smashed! It was strengthened!  Remember that when you are struggling and in   Remember that when you are knowingly coasting through life and not doing what you ought to do because it’s harder…you’re not the man or the woman you ought to be because you’re too lazy…you’re ripping yourself off!  Remember that when you watch your royally spoiled kid rip your spouse and house apart with what they are doing with their lives…as you finance it all…you may be the entire reason they are weak…the nation flourished!  So what did Egypt do?  Add more affliction!  Dummies!  HA!!

Exodus Chapter 1 Verses 13 – 19

  • So many commentators assume they were lying…we’re not told that here. They feared God.  How did they know God and come to fear Him?  No doubt they were influenced and perhaps even friends with the Jewish women!  And so it could be, in my mind just as likely, that they reported what the king had said to the Jewish women and the Jewish women got rid of their birthstools!  There is GREAT wisdom of circumstance to be found in being part of the people of God!

Exodus Chapter 1 Verses 19 – 22

  • To be a midwife as a profession, typically you yourself were And I love this…from barrenness…they honor and trust the Lord over even the king…and God takes them from barrenness to as it says here, “He provided households for them.”

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