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Feb 18, 2018 | Matt Korniotes

Acts 9 vs 23-43

It’s amazing how folks didn’t believe his conversion…or is it?  Saul went from a renowned, famous and feared Pharisee that was breathing threats and murder against the church to a preacher of Jesus Christ and a witness to Gospel that he so recently was at war with.  And so they didn’t buy it.  “Is this not he, the destroyer of the Gospel?”  Would you believe it?  I’m not sure we even have a fair comparison that we could use as an illustration.  Hitler, Bin Laden?  I can understand why folks were skeptical.


But this is the power of God in the heart of a man.  Paul would later write, and I love this so much, 2 Corinthians 5:17, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation (literally, new creation“he is a” was added for context).  Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”  Jesus can change your life powerfully, completely…Your circumstance, your perspective, your logic, your rational, your personality, your life…but none of those things change if He hasn’t changed your heart…therefore they are all secondary and not the priority. 


The priority is this…open your heart to Jesus.  Invite Him into the very depth of your soul and spirit.  Let Jesus define you…and then all things, one by one, like a domino effect moving at the speed of light, all things become new.  It is unlike anything else, truly amazing what God can and will do in the heart of a man or a woman and Saul is an excellent picture of that.  Total 180.  Total west to east.  He became his opposite…he switched from Apple to Android…from Ford to Chevy, man…What else on earth can do that in the heart of a man?  Nothing…then why do we so often try so hard with so many programs or things…Jesus is the only Way…


Acts Chapter 9 Verses 23 – 25

  • Some say that this is the best thing that could have happened to him at this time. He is surging forth in strength, preaching in such a way to confound the Jews, proving by his powerful sermons and dominant knowledge of the scriptures that Jesus is the Christ…and just when you think he will become a Christian of Christians, just as he was a Pharisee of Pharisees…he hears of a plot to end 
  • Imagine the shock, the surprise…, “But my points are so relevant!? My jokes are SO good!?”  HA!  Folks are seeing the truth and coming alive…and yet, they…hate…youhow humbling.  And then, the same man that was given letters of authority…certificate of approval and jurisdiction…to go into a city and act unitarily and authoritatively…is now having to exit in a very different manner…from riding in as a king to being snuck out under the cover of night as a criminal.  Humbling…
  • Some say this was perhaps one of his greatest lessons…and I agree. In ministry and in serving the Lord, nothing matures you, humbles you…same thing…nothing matures you like set-backs.  Let downs…and this is a big basket let down for Saul…and after this, I love this, he leaves the synagogues, the meetings, the venues, the mission, he leaves and goes to be alone with the Lord…

Acts Chapter 9 Verse 26

  • It’s widely accepted that between verses 25 and 26 there is a span of time of about three years where Paul went to Arabia and was essentially on his own, then back down to Damascus and finally on to Jerusalem. You can read about that in Galatians Chapter 1.
  • And the disciples don’t immediately let him in…notice this, they didn’t believe him. They didn’t believe him to be credible.  They didn’t respect his conversion…and at this point Saul may have very well just gone it alone…but sometimes to be greatly used by God you have to love the brothers and sisters more than they are willing to love youSometimes to be a Christian, you actually have to be like Christ…who took the cross for the people that rejected Him…

Acts Chapter 9 Verses 27 – 30

  • Two quick things here…one, thank God for people like Barnabas…someone who is warm and welcoming no matter what the person looks like, has done, whatever…I am so thankful when I see one of y’all welcoming a new person or a person who has been a couple of times and yet I haven’t been able to get to them yet…makes me so filled with joy…
  • Second thing here is that after Saul is sent to Tarsus he remains there for about 10 years…there was such aggression towards him, especially in Jerusalem that the apostles decide to send him home, back to Tarsus, until things cooled off a bit…well a decade goes by…and really that decade, just like the basket incident probably helped to define him…from Saul the famous tyrant, to Saul the amazing story, to Saul the powerful preacher…to Saul the unknown…all before ever being called Paul the Apostle…

Acts Chapter 9 Verse 31

  • Ain’t it the truth! Walking (not standing still!) in the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the Holy Spirit…we grow up!  Fear and comfort co-existing…how?  Because the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…not fear as in afraid but fear as in reverence and love and purity of respect…and as you choose God over self, the Holy Spirit surges within you…and you mature…

Acts Chapter 9 Verses 32 – 35

  • Now the spotlight turns back to Peter until mid way through Chapter 11 and I love this first scene…Peter is walking in his calling, what God would have him to do and he encounters…opportunity!! And notice, Peter makes it very clear that it’s not Peter with the gift of healing, it’s not Peter with the authority over anything…its Jesus…glorify Him, look to Him. 
  • God said in Isaiah 42:8, “I am the Lord, that is My name; and My glory I will not give to another!” Does that mean that God is on some sort of ego trip!?  Not at all.  He just knows that if you or I glorify any man or woman, we will eventually be let down big time.  He won’t share His glory because He will never allow your heart to go unprotected!  And so for those that want to be greatly used by God…is it for His glory or your own…?  That is the key question!

Acts Chapter 9 Verses 36 – 43

  • This is a great story…a great picture and awesome to read…and one of the reasons that brings me great joy is that Lydda was someone who served others…they wept over her, showing the wonderful clothes she had made for them…and Peter brings her back! There is something sweet and special about a person that serves others practically.  Because there are needs everywhere and all over the place. 
  • Dorcas wasn’t raised for her own sake…she would have been fine in heaven…she was raised for others. From death to life…unusual and remarkable…what Saul in your life do you believe God cannot convert?  They didn’t believe it could happen with him, they didn’t believe when it happened…but we know todayGod was able and it happened…you think you’re out of reach…talk to Saul…you think they won’t believe…talk to Saul…you want to be raised from death to life…talk to Jesus. 

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