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Sep 28, 2016 | Matt Korniotes

2 Timothy 1 vs 1-7

The second letter of Paul to Timothy is sacred ground. Why? Because these are essentially Paul’s last words. This letter was written around 66/67 AD during his second and much harsher imprisonment in Rome. We read of Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome in Acts 28. Paul had gained the favor of the captain of the guard and was even permitted to dwell by himself with the soldier who guarded him (straight from Acts 28:16). But this second imprisonment under Caesar Nero was much different. We will read details in this letter that tell us he was chained like a common criminal, his friends weren’t entirely sure where they had taken him, and the setting he was in was cold and harsh, possibly a dungeon setting.


According to church history, shortly after writing this letter to Timothy, Nero ordered the death of Paul and Paul was dragged outside of Roma and beheaded. Paul pours his heart out in these four short chapters. He begins with faithfulness in chapter 1. Devotion to truth and to the Lord through conflict in chapter 2. A warning against apostasy in chapter 3 and then finally a strong exhortation on the faithfulness of God in chapter 4. The final sentence of his life speaks of confidence in God’s deliverance and God’s welcome into heaven. Paul exclaims, “To God be glory forever and ever!” And then, silence. Sacred ground.


2 Timothy Chapter 1 Verses 1 – 2

  • The sentence of death is over Paul but he begins with the, “Promise of life!” This is so impactful, so powerful. Here he is, knowing that he faces execution and yet his spirit is strong, his confidence is solid and even the most paramount threat from man somehow, someway even makes him stronger! What kind of hope is this?
  • I love the word he uses, “Promise.” It is hope founded upon a promise given by God and echo’d throughout history by the prophets. A promise expressed by God in the coming of Jesus Christ, the Way to eternal life. A promise exemplified by God when He rose Jesus from the dead. A promise proven by God in the perfectly consistent trustworthy track-record of His Word and finally a promise constantly reassured by the presence of the indwelt Spirit of God!
  • “I know that Nero has ordered my death, but God has promised me life.” Now, flip the switch from doctrine to pragmatism for just a moment. God has made a promise. That if you place your faith and trust in Him, choose to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh and handle that whatever situation in Christ Jesus, then for that circumstance, situation, relationship, confusion or conflict, God has PROMISED you life! Trust Him and you will find Him to be perfectly trustworthy and ever-consistently faithful…to what? I am a subject and therefore the definition of faithfulness to me will always be subjective! NO. To His word!
  • To Timothy, a beloved son…listen, love just pours if you and I would be wise enough to number our days. You ever spend a day with the family and the entire time you’re fighting tiredness or boredom or frustration and then a week later you’re like, “Wow, that was such a good day.” And then you realize that in the day you were a jerk…ya, me too. Just one example. The Psalmist writes in Psalm 90:12, “Teach us to number our days; that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

2 Timothy Chapter 1 Verses 3 – 5a

  • Take note at what surrounds a pure conscience before God…gratefulness and prayer. Have you ever tried to serve God with a heavy conscience? It’s exhausting! Overbearing! Takes every bit of power out of you as you walk with God on the outside but deny Him on the inside. The very definition of religion…Paul is thankful towards God, near to God constantly in prayer and the result is purity of conscience. What does that mean? Free from inward corruption, from guilt and flush with clarity of purpose to the point that he sits in a prison of a life and yet has a heart to pray and be mindful of others…
  • That’s the thing. A heart that complains, gossips, groans against the seeming prison they are indon’t like your parents, don’t like your spouse, don’t like your job, don’t like your house, don’t like your car, don’t like yo momma…has little to do with them and everything to do with an unclean conscience and impurity towards God. “But I haven’t done anything, they’re the problem…” Don’t believe that lie! Jesus while He was upon the cross looked down on the whole of mankind who altogether crucified their own perfect Prefect and prayed, “Forgive them Father, they don’t know what they’re doing.”
  • Paul is forsaken. In prison. Has nothing, not even daily necessities and yet he is thankful and he is communing with God even interceding for others…the fruit of a clean conscience, a clean heart and a right spirit…just like His King who wore our crown of thorns…
  • Paul even says here that he is filled with joy and I love what the cause of his joy is…do you see it? Worldly success and promotion on earthnot so muchpersonal achievement and positionnot so much…he got an iPhone 7…NOT SO MUCH! He is filled with joy because of Timothy’s faith…Timothy’s strength in the Lord even though it has cost Timothy greatly. We don’t know why or because of what but Paul here makes mention of Timothy’s tears…

2 Timothy Chapter 1 Verse 5

  • Paul must have spent some time with Timothy’s family when he was in Lystra and especially his grandmother Lois…I imagine Paul would love to sit, just sit…after the day’s work was done and after the evening ministry was complete, just sit with folks and hear their story. Do you love that? I do. Especially from the folks that have lived much longer than I have…I’m intrigued, interested, and almost get lost in their tales of years long gone…And Paul heard of how Lois brought Eunice up in the Lord and how Eunice taught Timothy of the goodness of God….
  • Now, crazy thought, totally adding this here on my own, but we are talking contemporaries of Jesus…Lois and Eunice…I wonder if they knew Jesus…don’t know but what we do know… our faith and our decisions are our own for sure, but what are you passing to your children? Apparently faith can be shared but so can flesh…


2 Timothy Chapter 1 Verses 6 – 7

  • I love this! Stir up the gift of God in you! Which is what? The very Spirit of power, love and soundness of mind (control). How? We will see next week…faithfulness. Walking with the Lord! That is how we stir up our own hearts! You ever pour powdered creamer into coffee or protein into water and then forget to stir it up? You end up coughing all over it and making a mess as you breathe in that unstirred stuff!


  • Man, you hear the Word of God, you listen to the Spirit of God teaching you the Word of God specifically for you in your own heart…and then we walk out unchanged? Ungrown? Unempowered? Why? Stir it up man! Put feet to faith! Believe God and mix the word of God with your life, man! And in that, POWER, LOVE, and a MIND FILLED WITH SELF CONTROL! Oh and what flees? Fear…sacred ground, indeed.

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