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Feb 07, 2016 | Matt Korniotes

2 Thessalonians 2 vs 9-17

2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 Verse 9

  • So this is interesting because Paul is laying out characteristics of the Anti-Christ, the one who is to come. But relevant and important for us this morning as the church is to consider that Paul says that these characteristics are, “according to the working of Satan.” Which means for us, even today, don’t be fixed and focused on only these qualities.
  • How do we know if someone is a disciple of Christ? All power, signs and wonders?   No! (Folks walking around all over the place saying they love Jesus or they are a Christian) Jesus said in John Chapter 8:31, “If you abide in My Word, you are my disciples indeed…” I can appreciate someone who is powerful and even signs and wonders, but I am more impressed with a person’s love for God and trust in Him by their abiding in His Word. That’s what we look for in terms of someone’s authenticity and veracity of faith! Is there fruit on that branch.
  • And remember, the true test of faith is what? Time! Jesus didn’t say if you quote My Word, if you know My Word, if you agree with My Word, if you’ve been taught My Word…He said if you abide in My Word…there’s longevity there…and so I’m not saying that all power, signs and wonders are the working of Satan, and neither is Paul. Not at all! I’m just saying that they can be copied…intimacy with God, trust in Jesus, abiding in His Word, uncopyable! (NEW WORD!)
  • This power…guess what word it is? Dynamis…the same word used in Acts Chapter 1. It literally means presence, charisma, charm, clout and even courage. The power to perform even miracles, and Revelation 13 speaks of a deadly wound that the Anti-Christ will receive but he will miraculously be healed. This power, the word, also means moral power and excellence of soul. Influence even which belongs to wealth and riches. Power and resources arising from numbers. Power consisting in or resting upon armies.
  • And Paul says that he is going to have “all” of that. But listen, I want you to know that you can have all of that too. The Anti-Christ has it all according to loss, according to the working of Satan but man, you and I can have all of that according to victory, according to the cross of Christ!
  • Presence, clout, courage…excellence of soul! Confidence and influence and power and resources that arise from numbers, armies, forces and hosts! That’s the church man! We are an army! We are the bride of Christ! The restraining force on this planet of all evil and God is all about bathing His kids in power!
  • Paul says that according to the working of Satan the Anti-Christ will perform signs. Literally, this word means something miraculous and interestingly. It also means transcending the common course of nature…Daniel 11:37 says of the Anti-Christ that he will regard neither the God of his fathers’ nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all.


  • Paul in Romans Chapter 1 says, “Men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful…” Could this be a clue that the Anti-Christ will be homosexual? Possibly. Revelation Chapter 6, when the Anti-Christ is introduced in that book, his sign is the bow…and we looked at that when we studied that book that could be a mark…doesn’t have to be a literal bow…that could be a symbol, a logo possibly…and where is the bow a logo today?
  • And Paul says he will come with all lying wonders. Literally fake wonders. Something strange and it don’t look good…something so mesmerizing that it must be watched! You see he will captivate the world and Paul says in verse 10…

2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 Verse 10

  • His tool will be unrighteous deception. In the Greek apate adikia meaning the exceedingly deceitfulness of unrighteousness. Man sin is so slippery. The flesh to sparkly…it’s like a dangler fish in the dark for them and they all just take the bait. Why? Because they did not receive the love of the truth! The gospel, the Word of God…lights up the darkness!!!! So that the predator becomes powerless…but not for these folks…

2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 Verses 11 - 12

  • Two things here. First, you probably don’t like that phrase that God will send them strong delusion…but you gotta remember context. They’ve already rejected Him, turned from Him, exercised their free will to not serve Him and so all He is doing is respecting their choice. Why? Because love doesn’t force. True love lays down one’s rights…God has a right to demand obedience but He is love…He has a right to vaporize anyone at anytime who works any type of evil…but He is love…and so His way is to lay down His life…which He did
  • And so for those that reject Him, guess what…they are allowed to do that…God doesn’t make anyone reject Him. His will is that all would be saved…but He also doesn’t make anyone love Him…And so for those who do reject Him, they are allowed and then they wander. Literally that is what this word translated strong delusion means…They wander.
  • God lets them walk out…just like the prodigal father…and they become roamers. Remember “roaming” on your analog phones back in the day? It costs more and the tower is a mystery…and this roaming leads to believing the lie…and a crazy thing here…, “that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had…pleasure in unrighteousness…” See these words, “did not,” twice and, “had?” Past tense y’all…something has reached an end…some page has turned…some ship has sailed…what event has happened? The rapture…


2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 Verses 13 – 14

  • All of this difficulty and frankly bad news for those who don’t choose God “but” Paul says, “But we are over here giving thanks, man!” Because just as God chose everyone through the giving of His Son, many choose Him back…this is so cool…this word chose occurs three times in the entirety of the Bible. Once here speaking of God in the arche (beginning beginning) choosing love above all else…choosing you and me…the second time is shows up is in Hebrews 11:25 speaking of Moses walking away from all that Egypt had for him, “Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; for he looked to the reward.” That speaks to me of Jesus Himself…choosing us over Himself by taking the cross and laying down His own life…
  • And finally this word shows up one last time as Paul speaks of his own personal choice in Philippians 1:22…I love this pattern. God chose, Jesus chose, and now you have a choice. And even to add to that awesome truth, the word in the Greek is hireo from which hermeneutically we most likely get out word, “hire.” I love this. God hired usHe sent us His offer for employment in the contract of Christ…and if we accept then we indeed hire Him. I love this…We all have a choice here and check this out…if you are hired by God…well what do you get when you are hired?
  • You belong to an organization now. You get co-workers and peers and folks that direct you and folks that you direct all under the authority of the Boss…you get order, you get stability, you get benefits, you get put on the payroll! I love that thought!!! It’s just cool…but the coolest part is that God chose you, Jesus chose you….have you chosen Him?

2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 Verses 15 – 17

  • A brief explanation of pay and benefits from your Employer. Your Father. Your Redeemer…Everlasting consolation, good hope…grace…comfort…purpose and established words and work…He has chosen you…Paid all he has and put that on paper in the contract of Jesus Christ…my question today, will you accept the offer?

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