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Jan 17, 2016 | Matt Korniotes

2 Thessalonians 1 vs 1-5

Most agree that Paul wrote this letter within a year of the first letter. We are not sure what prompted this letter by Paul…did he hear something, did he receive some news, was there something heavy on his own heart for this church, we don’t know but what we do know is that his letter is short, sweet and sharp.


As we walk through this letter we’ll find that the young church there in Thessalonica was discouraged from some sort of persecution, in some ways confused about the Lord’s return and the end times (most likely from false teachers who were quoting Paul falsely or saying they had some sort of personal revelation or even forging additional letters from Paul (See 2:2)), and they had some among them that were disorderly and lazy…And so in this very short, sweet and sharp letter Paul will comfort them, he will correct them in terms of end times doctrine, and he will confront the undisciplined believers among them.


By far the theological theme of this letter is eschatology with a practical emphasis on hope and faithfulness through tough times and tough people. Even through all of the sharpness and doctrinal teaching and even though this letter is ultra short (only 823 words – about half as long as his first letter), it is still a pastoral epistle. His heart for them is clear throughout the encouragement and the correction. And I dig that. Folks will receive that. (Love, Security, Acceptance) Paul will give that. Why? Because he is a leader. He labors, he is a man of integrity in the Lord, and his heart is to please God by truly caring for them.


2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 Verses 1 – 2

  • Not only is this a typical Pauline greeting but it is identical to the greeting found in the first letter. Was he already sending a message of ultra-consistency? Was he already laying a foundation that he hasn’t changed? They may have been in somewhat of an upheaval about what they were being taught falsely or some sort of fake/forged Pauline letter that was circulating. I think Paul is that I think Paul is that caring. He is precisely perfectly particularly constant from his last letter which sends a two-fold message.
  • One, I haven’t changed. Compare that fake letter with the two you know have come from me…do they contain identicality? If not, reject that false letter. And two, settle down battle cat! Yes a lot is going on and a lot of things are in an unsure state…but God is not. God is constant and He is on the throne. That hasn’t changedfocus on Him, calm down, calm your heart and know that some things don’t change. Some things are not even in danger of changing. I see great comfort in Paul’s deliberation!
  • Another thing, just thinking on why would he be so repetitive!? Because it is SO important! Notice this greeting…to those in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ…grace received and peace achieved!
  • What do I mean by that?! I love this. Grace and peace are the very characteristics of powerful people! Grace makes leaders! Grace establishes your heart! Grace reveals reality when it is received and subsequently given by a believer and from that flows peace! Peace is power. Peace IS leadership! Peace is the capability and capacity to control the flesh and the situation! Eeeeeeerybody all a mess and you over here with some cheetos! Amen! Grace and peace to the believer…in what order? Yep, grace first…receive the word of Jesus on the cross and visit the empty tomb in core of your heart…let that penetrate and change everything and then peace. Grace first, then power.
  • Grace first, then leadership. Grace first, then capacity and capability and freedom! And the ticket? The cause, the catalyst? A good president! A stable economy! A loving husband! A loving wife! A bulging bank account! NO! God is Father…and Jesus is Lord! And you all up IN that! I LOVE THAT!

2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 Verse 3

  • Paul commends them for two tremendous characteristicsfaith and love! Why are they tremendous? Because they’re it man! There’s nothing higher! What greater characteristics could there be. “We are bound to thank God always for you because man you guys have great style and wear the best clothes!” HA! “We are bound to thank God always for you because man you got a lot of money and are super intelligent!” NO way! Faith and love! Check it, a person that is loving and is full of faith, (let alone a church!), these are the highest honors affordable to any person!
  • And…they are synonymous! Symbiotic. Synergetic! One will never exist without the other. Don’t miss this! Faith ain’t believing! (But don’t stop that either) Faith is Godly living! Living in such a way that it’s real man and that heaven is home. And folks, let me speak into your lives this morning, if you are not ultra-loving, then you are not ultra-faithful. In fact, if you lack love for your peoples, doesn’t matter how much you know or say you believe, you’re not being faithful…love is the very character of God. The very mark of citizenship in His kingdom…
  • And notice Paul says that as your faith grows…here’s the pattern, the mark, the token, the indicator…love abounds toward each other…

2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 Verses 4 – 5

  • Check this out! Faith, love, patience…trials come, persecutions come and because of the work you’ve put in (in terms of pressing into God, seeking Him out in your life, and trusting Him, giving your life to Him), in the midst of the junk and issues of life, you beam man! You shine! You’re somehow not out of control and somehow making wise and profitable decisions! You’re renewed in strength each day and even though you got your own junk, folks are asking you for a little help to lift theirs!
  • And Paul says that is the manifest (the showing, the on display…) evidence of the righteous judgment of God! Now yes that means that you are putting on display God’s righteous judgment but where was God’s righteous judgment poured out? You got it! At the cross of Christ. This is evidence that you have received the grace of God through the cross of Christ! A proof of truth to everyone around you! Believers and non-believers alike!!
  • This word-phrase, “righteous judgment” in the Greek is the single word, “krisis,” and I love that. Because at the cross was shown the crisis of what has happened to us…but here’s the hope…at the empty tomb was shown the love, grace, mercy and miracle of God…that heaven is now open to all men!!
  • And that makes me sick of this world…that’s the meaning behind this word here, “suffer.” We suffer with disgust of this world because we have received God’s grace! We have glimpsed His love and by faith we seek Him and by fact, we find Him…No longer am I God’s crisis. I’m not April’s crisis. I’m not my friends’ crisis for them to handle…now in me, God is working the miracle of a home with Him in heavengrace has entered…peace has arrived…faith, love, patience are my marching orders and my purpose in live, as the tribulations come, tough circumstances and tough people, make it known, make in manifest, put on display, that because of Jesus, I am counted worthy of the very Kingdom of God!!!

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