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Jan 10, 2016 | Matt Korniotes

1 Thessalonians 5 vs 12-28

1 Thessalonians Chapter 5 Verses 12 – 13

  • Now this is cool because Paul isn’t just hooking up the newly appointed leadership there in Thessalonica and telling the people to follow them but rather he is defining leadership (number one) and urging them to, through this Godly definition, recognize who it is that should lead.
  • Let me show you. First he urges them to “recognize.” Literally that means pay attention and discover. Watch, sense, notice, inspect and examine. Recognize what? Well first those who labor among you. This is the first piece of Paul’s three part definition of leadership. Leaders are recognized not by their title or what they say…they are truly recognized by their service.
  • This word labor means just that…it means practical, consistent, even physically exhausting service. Putting in work. They are the The ones who pray for others, yes…exhort and encourage others yes…talk and console, comfort and correct, teach and inspire…but, true leaders…the ones God has approved and placed into formal leadership, they will do all of those things and yet they will also clean the trash cans. They will also prepare the events, not just run them. They will work and labor to the point of physical exhaustion for the Lord and for others.
  • Paul says, “Take a look around. Watch for these kinds of folks. Seek them out. Recognize. These are your leaders.” Second piece of Paul’s three part definition of leadership…recognize those who are over you in the Lord…Now this does speak of authority and discipleship and by implication it also speaks of submission and humility which are the two heart conditions by which God reveals Himself (all the way from the Garden), but this isn’t just those who know something more than you in terms of the scriptures…
  • This word Paul uses for “over” as in “over you in the Lord” is not a word of lordship but rather a word of constancy and integrity. One who remains. This word proistemi is the idea that someone is a person of immense character and consistent reliability and diligence…the flesh desires to rule over people by wielding authority and leveraging popularity…and yet true leaders are people not of charm but of character…and they remain. They don’t have fluctuations and fantastic falling outs…God sustains them…
  • Titus 3:8 says, “This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain (proistemi) good works. These things are good and profitable to men.”
  • Now, in the eyes of God, in the eyes of Truth, whether folks listen or not, whether folks submit to Godly leadership or not, in the economy of heaven, they still rule over them in the Lord. See what I’m saying? Paul says, look for these…Because you’ll miss them and go for the charming…recognize those who remain in character in the Lord…they are the ones God has appointed to rule.
  • Third piece of Paul’s three part definition of leadership…recognize those who admonish you. Now that’s a big churchy word and most practically, what it means is those who look after you. It means to urge someone towards their duty and yet it also means to scold someone in a good-willed manner. Literal definitions. The biblical definition of this word is split 50/50. It’s found in 8 verses. 4 times it is used in context of encouraging someone towards what is right and 4 times it is used in context of warning someone.
  • Paul says the person who does nothing but positively affirm you…they are not your leader. The person that constantly corrects you…they are not your leader. The one who does both in a most balanced way, tells you what you love to hear but also tells you what you need to hear, recognize these…God has affirmed them.
  • So, while many have used this to exhort their congregations to bow down to them because they are in leadership, that’s not God’s heart, they’re not leaders…and that’s not what I will teach. I will teach what Paul taught. That the leaders among you will be hard laborers, they will be of constant and consistent character and they will seek to love and protect you (say what needs to be said to whom it needs to be said). Seek, discover, inspect and examine…recognize who this is among you and verse 13…esteem them very highly in agape love…
  • And if we, you and I, if the church there in Thessalonica will do that, that means humility will be big there…that means love will be big there…that means the mature in the Lord will lead there…and Paul says, ultimately, that means there will be peace there…

1 Thessalonians Chapter 5 Verse 14

  • Warn those that are unruly. Interesting word here it is ataktos. Literally means, “irregular or out of ranks…” And “Be patient with all,” means don’t seek vengeance. Don’t stew. Get over yourself man! “Pursue what is good.” Define GOOD! Not you. The only one good is God, Jesus’ own words…

1 Thessalonians Chapter 5 Verse 15 - 18

  • Notice Paul says, In everything, give thanks.” He does not say, “Give thanks for If I were to lose all then I’m fairly certain that I could not give thanks for my loss, but I am to give thanks in the loss trusting in God…and being focused on eternity in light of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ…

1 Thessalonians Chapter 5 Verses 19 – 23

  • The correct order and revelation of what is given to us in Genesis 1:27, “That God made man in His own image,” we see here in verse 23 that man, just like God, is a triune being having the corrected order of spirit, soul and then flesh or body. We are all born into this world backwards, but by the indwelling work of the Holy Spirit, we are sanctified completely and put right side up…

1 Thessalonians Chapter 5 Verse 24

  • The wonder and simplicity of it all is repeated. There is much to do and much to abstain from…and it is all accomplished in giving our hearts to God completely…He will do it because He is faithful...and we are not…

1 Thessalonians Chapter 5 Verses 25 – 28

  • People joke around with this exhortation to, “Greet the brethren with a holy kiss.” Do you remember how Judas betrayed Jesus? This most certainly isn’t license to kiss anyone. This is Paul remembering. Acts 20 he is in Ephesus about to make his way to Jerusalem…and they wept because they knew that this would be the last time they would see him, and weeping, they kissed his neck…
  • This young church, what do they need mostthe grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. It is exactly what we need most today. Each and every one of us.
  • You may plead the grace of God but know this, if today you are not saved, grace is available to you, not had by you. And grace is not only entrance into the presence of a Holy God, but Paul said today, Your grace is sufficient for megrace makes leaders. Grace opens eyes. Grace makes you and I right-side-up…to no longer be controlled by our stupid flesh…grace not only enables but fuels us to have a heart powerful and secure enough to give thanks always…no matter the darkness of the day we are in…
  • Grace be with you, yes…but you must first be with grace Himself….

Series Information