Mixed Tape Vol. I
It’s all about the mixtape!
That’s right, you know what I’m talking about. That wonderful combination of plastic and magnetic tape capturing every song that "identified" who you were as a teen…or maybe as an adult (if that’s the case…just keep that to yourself).
There’s a good chance if you were born after 1990 that you may not know what I’m talking about. So by today’s standard, you’d call this your playlist, your Spotify list, or your Pandora station, so don’t tune out yet, young people!
Whatever your generation, I’m talking about that mix of songs that will likely get you stared at in your car as you scream sing your way to work...you know who you are...
You see, music just has a way of reaching deep into our hearts, building us up, comforting us, relieving anxiety, and of course, bringing us into the throne room of God.
If you know me, you know that I have music pumping through my veins, I have theme songs constantly playing in the background (
1 Chronicles 16 says:
23 Let the whole earth sing to the LORD!
Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.
29 Give to the LORD the glory he deserves! Bring your offering and come into his presence. Worship the LORD in all his holy splendor.
See, We were made to worship God, and music is a natural avenue for our worship!
I must tell you, I absolutely LOVE the heart for worship in our Church. Matt
I mean, how are you supposed to learn the songs when they don’t repeat week after week!? I know you’ve asked that question too… ;)
Yet when I learned the heart of worship that emanates from our fellowship, it all made absolute sense!
You see, the heart of worship at C4 is to be a ministry that is raw, unedited, pure, and 100%, wholly devoted to, and led by the Spirit.
Don't get me Wrong, we do strive to be excellent in ministry…raw and unedited does not equal sloppy and unprepared.
Every worship set is personal and prepared specifically for that service. The songs are prayed over and chosen with the leading of the Spirit. We do not coordinate with the messages being taught, and we do not choose songs by the popularity of the artist, song, or theme. This ministry is truly organic, focused 100% on God and led by the Holy Spirit.
Once I came to realize this, my perspective changed and my heart welled up for Matt
What does all this have to do with a mixed tape? Well, I want you to join me for my next 6 posts, where we’ll take a look at my worship mixtape! These are songs you will hear while attending C4, songs that are focused on the Lord and lead us to a closer relationship with Him. These are some of my favorite worship tunes, and yes, you could catch me scream singing these all the way down Arapahoe...
Which songs are on the top of my list? What do they have to do with scripture, and why are they significant to our fellowship? I’ll be sharing all of this and more, so come on back...subscribe...like...share...bookmark...whatever it is you do, and check it out next time!